Welcome to Portobello Foods Online Shop

Portobello has a selection of Ready Made Meals such as Pasta, Curries, Salads, Desserts, Soups and Other Meals, freshly available for purchase from our online store.

All wholesale customer should phone:
08 92487778 or email info@portobellofoods.com.au.

Payment is in Australian Dollars via PayPal. We also accept via PayPal, Visa and MasterCard for products ordered within Perth, through PayPal Verified. For special enquiries and other payment options, please contact Portobello (during office hours only) on:

Tel: (08) 9248 7778 Fax: (08) 9248 7779

Orders need to be placed before 8:00am on:
Monday for Tuesday Delivery and/or
Thursday for Friday Delivery

For email enquiries, please use the website contact information on the Portobello Foods website.

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